The original tapered implant
Replace and the original tapered implant Replace Select mimic the shape of a natural tooth root. They are designed for high initial stability in all loading protocols, including Immediate Function.
Replace and the original tapered implant Replace Select mimic the shape of a natural tooth root. They are designed for high initial stability in all loading protocols, including Immediate Function.
The easy-to-use connection has three interlocking channels for secure and accurate abutment placement.
The surgery kit has a step-by-step drilling protocol and all components are consistently color-coded. This simplifies site preparation and ensures a predictable outcome.
The original tapered implant mimicking the shape of a natural tooth root is designed for high initial stability. Replace and Replace Select Tapered are ideal for Immediate Function in both extraction sockets and healed sites.
Cover your clinical needs with only one system. Whatever your patient’s requirements and personal preference, the four implant options ensure total treatment flexibility.
Replace and Replace Select Tapered feature Nobel Biocare’s unique oxidized TiUnite surface with grooves (Groovy), which maintains high stability during healing through faster bone formation and ensures long-term success.
Replace and Replace Select support the comprehensive range of NobelProcera CAD/CAM dental prosthetics as well as full range of prefabricated abutments.
The internal tri-channel connection offers an easy-to-use connection with an unrivaled tactile feel for accurate and predictable abutment placement.